Skyrim From E3

I watched a little of E3 on G4 this weekend and there's some exciting stuff coming out. However, nothing looks as good as the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim which is set to come out just before Christmas this year. The graphics in this game are seriously jaw-dropping. You can walk everywhere in the world that they've created and there's so much detail that the world looks real. I mean, you can examine individual plants if you want to. Additionally, dragons can swoop down on you at random (they are each programmed with their own types of behavior so you never know what they are going to do) and you can choose what weapons go in each hand (and gain more powerful spells if you use both hands to cast the same one). Plus there's over a hundred individually hand-crafted dungeons and dragon words that you can use once you've killed a dragon (and thus unlocked them).

The preview for this game is truly jaw-dropping. If you like games and you like fantasy, I totally think you should watch this whole thing through (Yes I know it's 14 minutes long but if you like games you should have no problem with sitting and watching 14 minutes of the most mind-blowing fantasy game walk through you've ever seen) and be excited for it as I am. My XBox 360 is going to get a workout come fall and what an exciting one it will be. I agree with the announcer at the end of the video that it may just be game of the year.

Also for those of you waiting for a breath of Diablo III...I guess Blizzard was completely silent on this project at E3.


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