Salt Lake City Pride Fest 2011

This past weekend was Gay Pride weekend here in Salt Lake City, Utah. Despite being a super "red" state it made me happy to see so many folks out for the Gay Pride parade to support diversity and equal rights for everyone. I didn't end up going to the actual festival this year because last year when I went, I spent two hours in line for a snow cone and it was hot and miserable. Plus you have to get in line for food and then a separate line for a drink and if you want alcohol, there's a designated drinking area which I think is dumb.  Here's some pictures I took along with captions (the weather was gorgeous):
These are the swimmers from QUAC.

One of the many political advertisements in the parade.

Well's Fargo
This was a Realtor's float left over from Burning Man.
Queen of the parade was Roseanne Barr. That's her in the car there.


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