Can You Guess What This Sculpture Is Made Of?

Can you guess what this sculpture is made from?  As you scroll down the page each frame gets closer and closer so that the last one shows you the composition with clarity.  Anyway, let me know if you guessed what it was made from before you got to the last frame and post that in a comment :) .

Know what it is made of yet?

How about now?

Hint, something you might wear.

How about now?

Yup, regular ole flip flops.

Kinda cool huh?  My friend Lynn sent this to me and I thought you'd like to play along too :) Sculpting is a lot like writing in that all those little parts (the flip flops) come together to make one huge thing for the world to see. To explain further, all those verbs, nouns, and adjectives are just different colored flip flops for you (the writer) to form into any shape that you desire.

See ya Wednesday.


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