Marzipan, Coffee, and Dead People Are So Cool.

So yesterday, I went to Gourmandise with a friend.  Gourmandise is all diet food.  I promise...ZERO just have to read the calorie content from the right side and not the left.  Things in life depend on a certain point of view, right? Or maybe it was Obi-Wan-Kenobi that said that...

You can get creme brulee to go in a great disposable aluminum ramekin...who does that? Yes, I'll take three. No, they're not for anyone else...just me. :P

There's free Wi-Fi. This should appeal to anyone that loves to mooch.

You can get sandwiches, salads, and croissants stuffed with egg, melted cheese, and love.

Yes...they serve LOVE at Gourmandise...and it doesn't cost you any extra. Well...maybe a pant size or two.

And the company was great too.  Justin told me about his cadaver and how they stuck pins in all 38 of them and the "first years" had to go through and identify from memory all the different parts that had been pinned (which sounds really really hard). I've never seen a cadaver before but I think seeing one in the future is possibly in the cards.  Coffee with future doctors is kinda like an episode of House...only way cooler, cause Justin is nice and not grumpy like Dr. House.  I thought "First Years" sounded so Harry Potter.  I just wish Justin had said, "Expelliarmus!"

Coffee, marzipan, there a future story here?

Happy Thursday!


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