A Female Only Future -- Utopia or Dystopia?

I recently read an article online that stated for every 2 men that graduate from college, 3 women will get degrees and that for the first time in history, family planners are choosing women over men essentially because the job climate favors social networking skills (in which women dominate). Already, some 80% (or more)of publishing is controlled by women and the fairer sex reads most of the books.  This kind of thing intrigues my sci-fi mind and makes me consider, what would a world be without men? Being a man, I for one wouldn’t want to live in this world but I guess, it’s going to happen someday in the far future (not very long as far as geological time goes).

Take a look at this article here. It indicates that the Y chromosome will disappear entirely in about 125,000 more years. The solution is that sperm will be produced in labs, but that doesn’t intrigue me so much.  It’s the social implications of a world without men that interests me.
Now, I know there are a lot of unsuccessful relationships out there but there are also some really golden ones…where two heterosexual souls have found each other and spent a lifetime together.  It's the stuff of romance novels really. However, if what some scientists are saying is inevitable, the world of the future is going to be an extremely lonely place (in my opinion).  If you aren’t lesbian, and want a boyfriend, it’s never going to get easier than it is now.  It’ll just get harder and harder from this day forward as men become less and less a percentage of the population (sure we're talking thousands of years through natural means but it could be hastened by conscious genetic manipulation made by family planners who prefer girls over boys).
So my question is a hypothetical one kind of based on the articles I’ve linked above.
1)   What would your reaction be if you were taken as you are right now completely unchanged education-wise and relationship-wise, and were suddenly put into a world (that was earth) but where men were essentially, extinct and had to live there?
DISCLAIMER: Your responses could feed the muse that is wanting to write a short story. :)  Shameless exploitation, I know.
Brooke R. Busse over at Paper Mountain awarded me with the stylish blogger award. She describes herself as blonde, petite, slightly-different-colored eyes with a love of writing, books, friends, Japanese steakhouses, and paper ( I would assume the fancy kind and not just the stuff you tear lose from a spiral notebook).
This little award basically works like a chain letter, only without the "Fifteen kittens will die if you don't pass it on" requirement.  Here are the official rules taken from her blog:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 10 or so recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award.
Seven things about me:
1) I work for the Utah Center for Assistive Technology installing voice-activated devices. I monitor the computer loan bank for vocational rehabilitation, and install/troubleshooting A.T. devices including things like Dragon Naturally Speaking, X-10 technology, and environmental controls for extremely disabled individuals or those suffering from A.L.S.
2) I enjoy playing online games like World of Warcraft.
3) I like fine dining.
4) I used to draw but haven't done so in a long time.  Writing is funner.
5) I'm a democrat that lives in a republican state.
6) I'm atheist.
7) I'm single but always hopeful.
Ten Bloggers who deserve this award:


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