Dungeons & Dragons Sheldon Cooper Style - Bazinga!

Today my friends, I give you sixteen precious lessons lifted from the brain of Dr. Sheldon Cooper applicable to fantasy writing and the lives of nerds everywhere.
  1. Any plan that causes the DM to ask, "Are you sure you want to do that?" should be rethought immediately.
  2. Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.
  3. You can't succeed at anything unless you roll the dice.
  4. Never ever throw a fireball in a closed room.
  5. Never be the first person to touch an unknown substance.
  6. Hitting on the King's daughter is never a good idea.
  7. If you spend enough time in sleazy bars talking to shady characters, adventure will find you.
  8. Always have an exit strategy.
  9. Siege artillery doesn't discriminate.
  10. Never use a weapon that's braver than you are.
  11. If the DM is smiling, it's already too late.
  12. Never ever give the Dungeon Master ideas.
  13. If something looks too good to be true, check for traps at once.
  14. Never summon anything that you don't know how to dismiss.
  15. Treat your hirelings well; they're the ones carrying all of your loot.
  16. If all else fails, bribe the DM with pizza.
And a bonus from my friend James:

Never ever be without a Wall of Iron. You can drop it on someone and they go splat.

There you have it and Happy Wednesday.

*DISCLAIMER: If you don't get the above stuff then you are not nearly nerdy enough and should go and buy a Player's Handbook and Dungeon Master's Guide and hang out with some young men in a game store. You'll find that they're very imaginative as they dream of a day when they can have a +5 Holy Avenger!


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