Joining the Crusade

"Crusade" normally makes me think of some kind of holy war, but in this case, Rach is having this networking/blog thing (that I signed up for) and as part of the rules, I'm supposed to blog about.  So here it is:

"Basically, the Crusade is a way to link those within the writing community together with the aim of helping to build our online platforms. The Crusaders are all bloggers in a similar position, who genuinely want to pay it forward, make connections and friends within the writing community, and help build each others' online platforms while at the same time building theirs.

Last year (my First Crusade) we had 55 Crusaders, many of whom have become great blogging friends. We saw our followers skyrocket and the comments on our posts increase, and had fun taking part in Crusade Challenges as well."
So if you want to sign-up for it, today is the last day and you gotta do it by 11:59 p.m. EST.  Here's the link. I say give it a whirl...could get your blog some exposure :)

Oh and Happy Valentine's Day weekend everyone.  I hope you have many romantic endeavors and remember that you guys are wonderful! :)


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